Implementation of the Process Service System for the State Institution overseeing compliance with sanitary standards.

Implementation of the Process Service System for the State Institution overseeing compliance with sanitary standards.

World Health Day Process Service System platform for efficient communication


The solution we implemented is a platform for efficient communication for the entire institution. The client's employees have gained easy and convenient access to all up-to-date data located in one place, allowing them to make key decisions on the execution of their daily tasks much more efficiently. The solution has been successfully integrated with a number of systems belonging to key health care institutions in Poland.

Currently, the system is used by several thousand employees.  Due to numerous e-services, it can also be used by millions of citizens. The solution has become a tool for streamlining and supporting the activities of the institution in every area of its operations.

The implementation of the system is an excellent example of effective computerization and optimisation of processes in the area of public health. Implementation of the project has enabled more efficient data management and improved the quality of medical services provided by the institution.


At the end of 2020, our client, operating at the time under difficult conditions resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, faced the need to implement an effective solution for data management and monitoring of public health processes. Working with Britenet specialists was to ensure that the institution implemented a solution in a short period of time that could make a significant difference in reducing the country's virus emissions through proper process management and communication between entities.

A major challenge during the project was to operate under time pressure and difficult conditions resulting from the ongoing pandemic threat.


Our team was involved in the implementation of an IT tool based on the API service, which made it possible to collect high-quality data and digitally support the processes carried out by the client. The system we co-created was based on cloud solutions and is located in the Government Computing Cloud, thanks to which it guarantees a high level of security and easy and fast access to the most important data.

Britenet specialists were responsible for building the entire system from  concept and vision, through collecting business requirements and conducting workshops with users, conducting needs research, designing mockups to coding, testing, and putting changes into production.

The system is now a universal communication platform for the institution - it integrates with many other state databases and web forms for citizens. As a result, it makes it easier to carry out the daily mission of ensuring the health security of residents throughout the country.


The client is a state institution that supervises and regulates compliance with sanitary standards and controls the safety of, among others, food, drinking water, the environment, and hygienic conditions in public places and workplaces in order to protect public health. Its main tasks are to prevent and minimise the risk of threats to citizens' health arising from environmental factors. The institution, as part of its activities, conducts inspections, provides advice and educational services.



Cooperation model

Talent as a Service

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