It worked for me, or about the risks of CRM implementation

It worked for me, or about the risks of CRM implementation

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The implementation of a CRM system, like any other IT project, always involves some risk. If the process is carried out successfully, productivity in the company will increase, there will be more accurate and better prepared reports, customer satisfaction and, above all, company revenues will increase. However, if we carry out the implementation in a haphazard way, without a proper plan and bypassing important processes, we will get an IT system that no one in the company wants to use and the wasted potential of the new investment.

Unfortunately, according to research, we still have a high percentage of CRM implementation projects that fail to meet expectations. Proper preparation, clearly defined goals and a proven partner will help avoid many problems. And what surprises can we encounter along the way?

The most common risks associated with implementing CRM projects

Adequate preparation for implementation, which involves determining the scope of the project, its objectives and how it will be implemented, are key issues. It is also important to keep in mind that our employees will be the main users of the implemented system.
What problems can we encounter on our way if we are not sufficiently prepared? The most common ones are:

  • Improperly conducted needs analysis - unclear purpose of CRM,
  • neglected business processes,
  • Too much emphasis on technological solutions,
  • Lack of integration with other systems,
  • Software too complicated to use.

The first thing to look at is the business challenges and needs. Think about who will use the new system, what key data the CRM is designed to track, and what applications and systems it will need to integrate with. Gathering these key requirements will help us select a system that can deliver the solutions you expect and is tailored to your business purpose and profile. To begin with, determine your priorities and consider whether to start the implementation on a smaller scale, for one or two teams, so you can lower the initial cost of the CRM implementation and your employees will quickly see the first benefits of using the CRM system. Choosing a solution that is too complex to begin with can cause difficulties for those who will use it. Start with a simple, easy-to-use and intuitive role-based interface, so that individual groups of users can choose only the system functions they really need. Even initially skeptical employees will be able to see early on how the new CRM system will help them operate and achieve their goals, and will be more motivated to use the new system.

How you can minimize CRM implementation risks - effective tips

  • Do a thorough analysis of existing solutions on the market
    Check trusted suppliers and their products. Consider which one will be able to meet all your current requirements and goals. Choose a product that will scale as your business grows, as you may face different goals and challenges in the future than those you have now. A scalable system will grow with you, while at the same time being a successful investment, implemented in the company once and well.
  • Clearly document your requirements
    Another key aspect to consider before a successful implementation. Think about what you want the new software to serve: do you want to streamline customer contacts, track orders, automate mailings, or perhaps more accurate reports compiled from good quality data?
  • Find the right CRM implementation partner
    Talk to the vendor. Check reviews of the company. It's important that your supplier has the skills and experience to plan, build and coordinate enterprise-level CRM projects. In addition to being adequately prepared to implement a project of this magnitude, such as a CRM system implementation, the supplier must understand the risks involved in the project and be prepared for any difficulties that may arise during.
  • Test implemented solutions and make adjustments
    Choosing the right solution and a proven business partner will ensure that a demanding project like implementation is carried out smoothly and quickly. An experienced provider understands that it is not only the planning and detailed analysis before the implementation begins that is important, but also the phase of getting used to the new system and testing the introduced solutions. Sometimes it may turn out that something does not work as it should, certain processes need to be streamlined, and functions that do not meet their objectives need to be corrected. An experienced partner will help streamline the implementation process on an ongoing basis, so you can avoid downtime and maintain business continuity.‍


‍Cleargoals, proper preparation and an experienced business partner will help you set an implementation strategy and minimize the time you need to spend on risk management. At Britenet, we are focused on continuous improvement and are always looking for innovative ways to streamline our work. We want our implementations to be as efficient as possible, and customer satisfaction is always our top priority. Choose wisely and trust a proven partner.

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